Training Objectives

Description Prepare 4-7 objectives which describe what the trainees should be able to do when they complete the training.  These objectives will be your guide to determine all content to be presented in the training program.  Objectives are a map that takes...

writing prompts

Description PROMPT 1 – 500 WORDS:    “One of the purposes of (not stated) is to serve as a catalyst to support and enhance school improvement programs that heighten student learning opportunities. If you were given an opportunity to write to...

English Composition

Description Research Outline -minimum 300 words,Organization– Intro, Body Reasons/points ,warrant/bridge (1,2 &3) Evidence (1,2, and 3) ,Counterargument and Rebuttal. Research Argument minimum of 1500 words, 6 cited sources. Components-Thesis or main...

Please follow prompt

Question Description I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Watch this short video and then share your thoughts. What will you do differently next time you interact with children to help them increase...

Public Speaking and Grief Essay

Description 1.Lesson: Why Study Public Speaking – YouTube Watch: The Magical Science of Storytelling The Wisest Person I Ever Met Was a Third Grade Dropout and Toastmasters public speaking champion Mohammed Qahtani Then participate in Dialogue Discussion Discuss...