
PROMPT 1 – 500 WORDS:    “One of the purposes of (not stated) is to serve as a catalyst to support and enhance school improvement programs that heighten student learning opportunities. If you were given an opportunity to write to the Foundation to support a program of your choice, for what type of program would you elicit funds, and how would that program enhance the students?” 

PROMPT 2 – 300-500 words: “Identify one or two social issues that have stirred a passion in you during your high school years.  Explain how you have engaged in support of the issue and how you plan to be involved in your future college years and beyond.” 

PROMPT 3 – 300-500 words: Studies indicate that students who read regularly for enjoyment outperform those who do not. Voluntary reading is essential to helping students become better readers and stronger writers: Research also indicates that reading fiction can improve social empathy and enable the reader to connect with his/her fellow human beings.

What is one of your favorite childhood books that drew you into reading for pleasure? (THE LIGHTENING THEIF – PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS)

How can the solitary activity of reading for enjoyment expand your horizons and further connect you to the outside world?

How can the library encourage more students to read forenjoyment and become lifelong readers?