
I need help with my Reading Response its going to be two prompts and 300 words minimum per prompt using primary and secondary sour

Learning Objectives 

Identify historical details in primary and secondary sources

Explain points of view in primary and secondary sources

Connect sources to larger historical processes

  • Articulate conclusions based on historical evidence
  • Format
  • Students will submit a short response (one or more developed paragraphs) to both of the following prompts about assigned readings from Unit 1.
  • 300 words minimum per response to each prompt = 600 words total for both

Worth up to 40 points per response to each prompt = up to 80 points total for both

You must include at least one cited quote from each assigned source.

Use quotation marks around quoted text from the source, not just paraphrased 

Cite the quote by author and page number with an in-text citation after the quote, for example, (Rodriguez, p. 84)

To submit your responses, select “Submit Assignment” in the upper right hand corner. A browse/text field will open at the bottom of this assignment. Response may uploaded to the text box as either a PDF or Word document, or typed directly into the text box.

  • Prompts

1) Review these three sources from the Week 1.2 Readings page:

  • Identify the historical context (background) for each of these sources. Describe how each source shows historical conditions and experiences of gender or race. Explain how these sources show different definitions and experiences of “family.” What larger historical factors of religion or economics are seen in these sources? Give specific examples. Worth up to 40 points.

2) Review and complete Chapters 1 and 2 of Mongrels, Bastards, Orphans, and Vagabonds by historian Gregory Rodriguez. Review and complete Chapters 1 and 2 of The Sea Captain’s Wife by historian Martha Hodes. Identify the historical context (background) for each of these sources. Give specific examples from both books (use at least one cited quote per book) of ways in which race shaped the historical conditions and experiences being described, and of ways in which gender shaped the historical conditions and experiences being described. Worth up to 40 points. ces from the book and pdf’s I have attached the pdfs and for the books I can email them to you.